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Walk and Roll Week

Walk and Roll Week

Hey All!

We are in the midst of Walk and Roll week, which is Missoula’s new and enriched Walk, Ride or Bus week! This week is all about alternative, and sustainable solutions to driving our automobiles, and we are supporting it whole-heartedly! When you walk, ride your bike, or ride the bus to Draught Works you get a free, reflective bike sticker! Also, if you purchase a pair of our logo bike socks, you can receive a free pint, too – it’s a win, win situation!

This week is about promoting alternative ways of traveling about Missoula and utilizing all the walking bridges, bike lanes, and free bus fares that our town provides for us! All week long businesses and volunteers alike are giving out free breakfasts, or stickers, or putting your name in raffles to inspire another substitute to driving, even if it’s just one day a week. Montana is fairly rural in itself, but many of our larger towns are trying to incorporate safe traveling within their community.

We understand it can sometimes be unpractical to try and use other forms of transportation, but even riding your bike to the neighborhood park, or walking to the nearest brewery for a pint is all still beneficial!

If you want to find more information on Walk and Roll week, visit Missoula in Motion’s website.